Jimmy Is A Badass

Ride Apart was reviewing the top ten bikes they felt were for badass riders. After taking our one-day clinic as part of the AltRider Taste Of Dakar event, they included Jimmy in the description of the KTM990. Just wait till they see him ride the 1190! http://rideapart.com/2013/09/best-motorcycles-for-experienced-riders/ The Bike: 2013 KTM 990 ADVENTURE Type: Adventure Bike The…


Sign-Up Open For Idaho Classes

JLR has opened sign-ups for our two Idaho events this year. We don’t do our traveling schools that often so take advantage of them if you can. August 10 and 11, 2013 in Hailey, Idaho Saturday Trail Bike Riding School, Series One Sunday Adventure Bike Riding School, Series One Classes will be held at the…


JLR Off-Road in ADV Moto Magazine

  The May/June issue of ADV Moto magazine has a really nice article by Bill Dragoo on our school. He has an interesting take pulling from some of Jimmy’s past racing history and lessons learned about teaching the fine art of motorcycle riding. Bill came to our class quite a while ago so some of…


School’s Out–Were On The Road

We’ve had our last class of the season in Pahrump and now we’re out riding and on the road. Look for us all over the West at events and rides, our schedule is kept current on the web page and through announcements on our Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jimmy-Lewis-Riding-School/103860759702815 ) Additionally you can see some of Jimmy’s work…


Student Feedback and Testimonials

Here is some great feedback from one of our students: Hi Jimmy and Heather, Today was our first time riding today since back in NY. I was wondering if I would remember any of what we learned at class last month, and the answer is yes! The section of trail in the pic has foiled…
